I know so many of us are searching for something more. We have a job but aren’t in love with it. We have a spectacular talent but aren’t sure how to cultivate that into a career. We aren’t employed, not because we don’t want to be, we just haven’t figured out what we want to be when we grow up. If any of these scenarios are you, then you’re in the right place.
Something that fascinated me right at the beginning of my journey was how little we knew about the human brain until recently. Scientists have always theorized our brains stop growing into adulthood. Wow, that’s really depressing if you want to change something about yourself at 35. Thank goodness, the field of neuroscience has advanced with inventions such as the brain scanner, which has proven we can grow and change the chemistry and biological structure of our brains at any age. This happens through a process called neuroplasticity, your brain’s ability to change, and it has transformed the way we think about mind control. Neuroplasticity happens when we learn something new, recall what we had for dinner two nights ago or even take a new route to work. It also happens when we have powerful visualizations, which is where it all began for me.
I had always heard about this mindset practice when it came to professional athletes, such as Lindsay Vonn, one of the most successful female skiers in history. Lindsey practiced visualization before stepping onto the course, every time. She didn’t just go over the route in her head – she would get into skier’s stance, shift her weight back and forth as if she’s on her skis, and even practiced how she was going to breathe through each hurdle. “By the time I get to the start gate,” she says, “I’ve run the race 100 times already in my head.” What she was doing was telling her brain exactly what she wanted to achieve and through visualization she was basically giving it a roadmap on how to get there.
Now, when I was first learning about visualization, I was shocked that we had to tell our brains what we wanted. Why didn’t our brains just know? Turns out, in order to get what we want, we must actively show our brains what that looks like through visualization. When we have a powerful visualization, we are growing on a cellular level. Our brains grow new neurons and create new pathways, helping us break free from our primal mindset and propel us toward a more innovative, success-driven, and focused one. Scientists estimate it takes approximately three months to grow new pathways, so being disciplined in these practices is important. As a result of this growth, we become more aware of new opportunities we haven’t noticed before, we subconsciously change behaviors, and we become open to new experiences. All these things are the building blocks of your journey to conquer your goal and discover your future self.
The first time I practiced this, I was taking my dog for a walk along some trails by our house. I find nature so peaceful and a place for inspiration, so decided to give mindfulness a try. As I started to quiet my mind and visualize my future, I felt like I had hit my first roadblock. I had nothing. I kept walking, leaves crunching under my shoes, the sun peeking through the trees, I tried again. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so how could I visualize it? This time, I decided to begin with a feeling. I knew I wanted to feel whole, I wanted to fill the void of wanting more and knew I felt the most complete when I helped people. I visualized bringing hope to others, helping them out of a hard situation and making their lives better. I thought about how it would feel to open my eyes each morning knowing I was about to deliver encouragement to the burnt-out employee. I concentrated on the feeling of helping the working mom navigate the stresses that come with balancing it all, helping her prevent going down the path I went down. I felt rejuvenated and alive when I immersed myself in this life ahead of me, the life I was creating. I was getting a taste of what it feels like to live out your purpose, a feeling of true happiness and completeness.
As I continued with these visualizations, they would eventually lead me to writing a book, starting a website, blog and brand. I had never pictured any of these for myself, but I know I am on the intended path for my life. Had I not finally taken this first step, I could quite possibly still be in the same place I was one year ago-just wishing and daydreaming about something bigger. I didn’t want to keep waiting for something to happen. I knew in order to have something I’ve never had, I had to do things I had never done.
If you are looking for a new career or have always wanted to turn your hobby or passion into a business, I encourage you to start with visualizing how you want these to look. If you were like me and didn’t know, then start with how you want to feel. What excites you? What makes your heart race? If love, money or success weren’t factors, what would you do? Choose a quiet spot, where you can really sink yourself in your thoughts and just start. Start by centering yourself, quieting your mind and concentrating on each breath. Block out those imposter thoughts that are telling you all the things on your to-do list, all the worry and concerns you have-silence them. Be exactly in the present moment.
The more specific you can be the better. Remember, you want to show your brain exactly where you want to be in one year from now, or five or ten years. When you do this, your brain will automatically seek out opportunities that will help lead you to your desired future. You want to think about how you want to feel each morning when you wake up, what your day looks like and who you surround yourself with. What habits do you have? What morals and beliefs do you hold? Are you in the same job or different career altogether? Are you living in the same house? If you’d like to be promoted, what does this new you wear? Are you in a new office? Let your mind take you to the exact place you want to be. If you had it to do over again, who would you be?
These are the questions you must seek answers to through visualization, and when you do, you begin to get a glimpse of the life that’s been waiting for you all along. No one but you has the power to make your life extraordinary…don’t waste another moment just wishing.
xo, Court